Dynamic meditation is an hour long active meditation with five stages include intense breathing, catharsis, mantra chanting, silence and finally celebrating, best done first thing in the morning. It is a fast, intense and through way to break old, ingrained patterns in the body mind that keep one imprisoned in the past, and to experience the freedom, the witnessing and silence that are hidden behind these prison walls.
Kundalini meditation uses gentle shaking, moving and dancing to unblock your energy and deeply relax your body. Effortlessly, you will then enter a phase of silence, rest and deep meditation. Wellness starts with a relaxed body, balanced emotions and a clear mind.
Nadabrahma Meditation is a one hour technique in three stages, that was adapted from an ancient Tibetan method. It has three stages (humming, circular movement of hands, and laying down relaxing) and can be done any time of the day or night, alone or with others. It is good to do this technique with an empty stomach.
Chakra Breathing Meditation can help you to become aware of and experience each of the seven chakras. This meditation is active and uses deep rapid breathing and body movement, accompanied by musical sounds to open and bring awareness and vitality to the chakras. This meditation should be done on an empty stomach in the early morning or late afternoon.
This Meditation uses vocal sounds made by the meditator along with music to open and harmonize the chakras while bringing awareness to them. Through this meditation you can experience a deep, peaceful inner silence either by making your own vocal sounds or by just listening to and feeling the sounds that are on the meditation CD. You can do this meditation at any time.
Gourishankar is what Osho called Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak, representing the height of human consciousness on this planet. This is a nighttime meditation, designed to help open the third eye – the door to inner wisdom as well as cosmic consciousness.
This meditation, which originated from Gurdjieffian movements, is a centering exercise as well as a good preparation for whirling. It lasts one hour and is done in three stages.
Dance is probably one of the most ancient forms of meditation practiced by men and women. Many cultures have practiced dance as a form of moving into trance and connecting with the divine, while letting go of control of the ego. Nataraj Meditation is a way to reconnect with the divine through the joy of dance. This meditation lasts 65 minutes and is done in three stages.
This is another powerful technique devised by Osho that creates a circle of energy, resulting in a natural centering. There are four stages of 15 minutes each.
Whirling is one of the most ancient techniques practiced by Sufi Dervishes. It has a tremendous power to take you directly into your center and let you experience your unmoving center, as well as the moving whirlpool of energy all around it. Whirling meditation is done in two stages and lasts 60 minutes.