Chakra Balancing Massage

Chakra Balancing Massage

In this massage you receive a tune-in and reading of your chakras. The awareness and sensing of your chakras has a balancing and cleansing effect on the entire body. You are being gently and deeply massaged, to enhance a balanced energy flow in the chakras, leaving you reenergized and relaxed.

The word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” in Sanskrit and sometimes also refers to the energy centers in our body. They are described as spinning life energy along pathways called nadis (aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head) - vitalizing and balancing the physical body and to be associated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental nature.

Imbalances of chakras can be caused by a depletion of energy flow or too much energy activity in a charka. when one of chakras is low, you might have difficulty expressing the particular qualities associated with that chakra. when it is overactive, the qualities might be a dominant force in your life both physically and emotionally.

Here are short descriptions for each chakra.

Seven chakras

Crown chakra - Muladhara
It is about wisdom and being one with the world - representing your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose. When unbalanced, you may be rigid in thinking, intellectualizing and ignoring your bodily needs.

Third eye chakra - Ajna
It is about your intuition, insight, and visualization. It is also your imagination and inner vision. When unbalanced, you might become confused and replying on beliefs and fantacy.

Throat chakra - Vishuddha
It is about self-expression - opening you to your creativity. It is also our ability to communicate verbally.

Heart chakra - Anahata
It’s about love, kindness, affection, and acceptance. It is the space in the heart. When unbalanced, you might feel distance from others, the whole world, and even yourself.

Solar plexus chakra - Manipura
It is responsible for your confidence and self-esteem as well as helping you feel more power and assertive in your life. When unbalanced, you might feel passive, indecisive, timid, and aggressive.

Sacral chakra - Svadhisthara
It’s your sexual and creative energy. It’s the gut feeling and intuition. It is linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotion of others.

Root chakra - Muladhara
It provides you with a base of foundation for life. It helps you feel grounded and gives you sense of security and stability. When unbalanced, you might feel nervous and fearful.