We all need privacy, to rest, to feel ourselves, to cultivate our dreams. To simply have space. For this, we need to be able to feel and learn to respect the boundaries of our space. We need to be able to feel how far we want to open them to someone and yet remain connected with ourselves.
But we all know the challenges around setting our boundaries.
There is a history: when we were small children, our boundaries were invaded and ignored one way or another, in the family, at school, etc. To survive these invasions, we learnt either to shrink our space or to put rigid walls around ourselves.
Now, as adults, we need to learn to create new flexible boundaries, which can allow both intimacy and respect for each other's space and feelings.
In this group you will experiment with finding a new maturity, a new dance between going inside yourself and going beyond your usual limits.
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Earlier Event: January 15
Healing the Inner Child with Svarup de Koning
Later Event: January 16
Primal - Childhood Deconditioning with Svarup de Kooning